SINGAPORE – Normanton Park was sold on Thursday (5 Oct 2017) to Kingsford Huray Development for S$830.1 million, making it the highest land rate for a 99-year leasehold collective sale site so far this year.

The sale price works out to S$969 per square foot per plot ratio (psf ppr), inclusive of differential premium and lease upgrading premium.

According to a release by Knight Frank, each owner will stand to receive a gross sale price of approximately S$1.68 million to S$1.86 million upon a successful sale. 

This is provided several conditions are met, which includes an order of sale by the Strata Titles Board or the High Court.

Mr Ian Loh, Executive Director and Head of Investment & Capital Markets at Knight Frank, who was in charge of the sale, said: "The gross development value for this project is estimated at S$2.23 billion. The new high-rise development could potentially house more than 1,200 new residential units of 100 sqm on the site, and new homeowners can potentially enjoy lush greenery views and unblocked views to the city.”

"(Normanton park is in) an up and coming area as it is located near the Science Park and One-North. It is also located close to good schools and the National University Hospital, catering to a wide variety of home-buyers," he added. 

Knight Frank marketed the collective sale of Normanton Park through a public tender which was launched on Aug 22 and closed on Thursday.

Currently, 87.3% of the owners have consented to the sale, which was concluded in 10 weeks since a sale committee was formed on Jul 29.

The condominium comprises 13 residential blocks of 488 apartment units with a site area of 61,408.9 sqm.

Normanton Park is located off the Ayer Rajah Expressway, and is near educational institutions such as Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Fairfield Methodist primary and secondary schools, National University of Singapore, Singapore Polytechnic, and Insead.

The site was privatised in 1993. It was originally designed and built in the mid-1970s by the Housing and Development Board (HDB) for Singapore Armed Forces pesonnel.

Mr Sukhvinder S Chopra, Chairman of the Sale Committee and a retired Colonel from the Navy (SAF), said: "The sale committee received several submissions and worked very closely with the marketing agent and lawyers. We deliberated all the submissions carefully and the decision to award to Kingsford was unanimous."

新加坡–诺曼顿公园于周四(2017年10月5日)以8.301亿新元的价格出售给Kingsford Huray Development,这是今年迄今为止有99年租赁权的集体出售土地的最高土地价格。

销售价格为每平方英尺每容积率969新加坡元(psf ppr),包括差价溢价和租赁升级溢价。

根据莱坊(Knight Frank)的发布,成功出售后,每位所有者将获得约168万新元至186万新元的总销售价。

在满足以下几个条件的前提下,其中包括Strata Titles委员会或高等法院的销售令。






诺曼顿公园位于Ayer Rajah高速公路旁,靠近教育机构,例如英华学校(独立),费尔菲尔德循道卫理中小学,新加坡国立大学,新加坡理工学院和Insead。


销售委员会主席,海军退休上校Sukhvinder S Chopra先生说:“销售委员会收到了几份意见书,并与市场代理人和律师密切合作。我们仔细审议了所有意见书授予金斯福德的决定是一致的。”

Source : Today
资料来源: 今天时报